When Jesus rose from the dead He defeated death and its power.
Through Jesus, there is the promise of eternal life for all who put their trust
in Him. If eternal life was the sum total of what Jesus accomplished at Calvary
that would be awesome. But Jesus accomplished so much more that applies to the
here and now. His promises are not just for getting to heaven, but for
experiencing God's presence every day.
In rising from the dead, Jesus not only won the victory over
death, He also won the victory over sickness and disease. Acts 3 tells of a man
who was lame from his mother’s womb. When he saw Peter and John going up to the
temple to worship, he asked them for alms. Peter said, “What I have, I give
you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” The lame man
rose up well, walking and leaping and praising God.
In Acts 2 the disciples gathered for prayer. As they sought God,
the power of the Holy Spirit fell and they were all filled with the Holy
Spirit. Then Peter preached his first sermon telling of the saving power of
Jesus, and three thousand were saved that day. Acts 16 tells of a young lady
who was possessed by an evil spirit. She followed the apostle Paul around and
after some time, he turned to her and cast out the evil spirit by the power of
the name of Jesus.
When Jesus rose from the dead, He won the victory over death. He
also gave His name to His church. That in the name of Jesus there is salvation,
healing, and deliverance from the control of satan and the promise of eternal life
if we believe in Him. Praise God!
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