Saturday, January 14, 2017

What God Sees

What God Sees | Victory Church

A lot of times what the world thinks is important is not important to God.
1 Samuel 16:7 says, “For the Lord does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  This account in 1 Samuel shows God instructing the prophet Samuel to anoint a new king for Israel.  God was not interested in who was the most handsome, the most talented, or the most likely to succeed; He was interested in who had a heart for the things of God.  God chose David to lead Israel, not because of his vast experience in leading people, but because God saw in David a man after His own heart. As David led Israel, it was revealed he had some major flaws, yet God used David mightily because when David missed it, he repented and continued to have a heart for the things of God.

God is still looking for people He can use to accomplish great things for His kingdom.  With God, it’s not a person’s ability that is key, but a person’s availability. God has given wonderful gifts to people, abilities like helping and serving, leading and speaking, loving and giving.  But, how many are willing to say, “Lord, I’m available, use me.”  It’s easy to come up with excuses as to why we can’t be used by God.  Some would say, “I’m too busy,” others, “I’m too old,” others, “I’m too young.”  It’s not up to us to determine if the Master can use us, our part should be to say, “Lord, if you want to use me, I’m available.” God may not be looking for the most gifted to do a particular job, but a person whose heart is toward Him.

How about you?  Will you say, “Lord, send me!"