Saturday, October 24, 2015

What is Spreading in Our Lives?

Leaven is a term used 39 times in the bible, and scripture usually refers to leaven as a type of sin.  When God gave Moses instructions for celebrating the Passover, they were told to remove all leaven from their houses and eat unleavened bread.  This was the way Israel prepared for the Passover, which set the stage for their deliverance from judgment.

In the New Testament, Jesus tells his followers to “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees."  Here, Jesus explains leaven is the corrupt teaching of the Pharisees.  In 1Corinthians 5 the Apostle Paul refers to leaven as sexual immorality and pride. Paul tells the church to purge out the old leaven (of sin and wickedness) and be a new lump of truly unleavened dough.  Paul is saying that just as leaven is able to spread quickly and thoroughly through the whole batch of dough, so sin can spread through the church if it is not addressed.  

We all know sin is displeasing to God, and the scripture say’s “all have sinned”.  But, is it really possible to do what Paul is telling the church?  Is it possible to “purge out sin” from our lives?  Jesus said, “What is impossible with man, is possible with God."  Only through the saving grace offered by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary can we be forgiven.  And only through the power of God that comes when a life surrenders to the lordship of Jesus Christ can we live a life that pleases Him.  Removing leaven is a type of consecrating our lives for the Lords service.  We can simply say, “Lord Jesus, I turn away from sin and wickedness and commit my life to You.  Help me to follow You and live a life that is pleasing to You.  Amen.”